Educational opportunities through exploration

Hands-on activities to enhance each child's education.

Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for kindergarten by focusing on hands-on engagement in alignment with Montana's early learning standards.  Students will be introduced to the basics of numbers, the alphabet, color recognition, emotional intelligence, space and geography.  Our school also fosters independence and responsibility by guiding students to grow plants and care for the animals that live on property.

Our Core Activities

Outdoor Play

Kids enjoy exploring our five acre property complete with brand new play equipment.


Children get their hands dirty in our greenhouse by planting, nurturing, and harvesting crops.

Animal Care

Little ones bond with friendly farm animals, learning responsibility, empathy, and the importance of caring for living creatures.

Field Trips and Enhancements

Exciting adventures to nearby attractions or bringing local presentors to enhance their educational experiences.

Arts & Crafts

Encourages students to express their creativity, develop fine motor skills and have fun while exploring different materials and techniques.


Kids explore culinary skills, create delicious treats, and learn about healthy eating habits in a fun, hands-on setting.

Typical Day at Little Barn

3:30 pm
5:00 pm

After Care

Afternoon care

This will be a time for students that need to be picked up later. This 1.5 hour block includes activities such as art projects, outside play, gardening, visiting animals or independent play.

3:00 pm
3:30 pm

Play Time

Independent or group play

The last period of the day will be devoted to independent or outside play.

2:15 pm
3:00 pm

Art and Creative Expression

Daily expression

Each day there will be a new art lesson for students to enjoy. Often, these lessons will correlate with the monthly learning themes.

7:00 am
8:30 am

Before Care

Getting an early start

We offer a before care time that caters to parents that work. This 1.5 hour block of time allows students to eat breakfast and then participate in one of our independent play stations.

8:30 am
9:00 am

Normal School Day Arrival

A relaxing beginning

Students will arrive for the start of the normal school day and join one of our independent play stations to explore.  These educational play stations will rotate at least monthly to accommodate our many learning themes that will be carried out during the school year.

9:00 am
9:45 am

Group Circle Time

Whole class instruction

During this period students will review the calendar together. This includes learning the days of the week and the months of the year. Students will also learn about and discuss the weather. Group circle time will often include read-alouds and sing-alongs. New independent play lessons will also be introduced.

9:45 am
10:45 am

Return to Independent Play Stations

Independent work

Students get to choose from our variety of themed lessons to enjoy independently.

10:45 am
11:15 am

Milk and Snack

Enjoy a snack together

Students will enjoy a nutritious snack as a class.

11:15 am
12:15 pm

Outdoor Play Time

Spend time with nature

Students will be able to play in our outdoor play area. A portion of this time will be used to check the growth in our greenhouse. Students will be able to water and care for the plants as well as feed and visit the animals located on the property (under adult supervision).

12:15 pm
1:15 pm


Nourishing our bodies

Students will wash their hands and then eat lunch as a classroom community.

1:15 pm
2:15 pm


Rest and relaxation

A portion of the classroom will be converted into a calm and restful atmosphere. Here students can choose to enjoy individual quiet time or nap for the hour.


Want to enroll at Little Barn?

Fill out our application

We would love to hear from you! Please follow the application process if you are interested in enrolling your child at Little Barn Preschool.